
5 Things to do every time you update your website

We’re in a season of change. We started 2020 with a BIG shift from business as usual to temporarily shuttering our brick and mortar studios and going fully virtual. For many yoga studio owners, it was the first time their studio offered online classes. Now things are shifting again.

Reopening isn’t as simple as flipping the open sign and taking the COVID-19 banner off your website. You’ll probably have new policies for social distancing and a partial reopening. You’ll need to announce the new structure for on demand video or virtual membership. And once we settle into the new normal for the rest of 2020 you’ll need to update again. It’s a confusing time.

Truth → Now more than ever you need your community in the loop.

When people need information about your studio the first place they look is your website. It’s crucial that your website is free of embarrassing slip ups, out of date information and misdirected links at every stage. There are a lot of moving pieces when you’re running a yoga studio, so I’ve created this checklist to make sure nothing gets missed.


Your core mission probably hasn’t changed much, so you don’t need a full rewrite. Tweaking some headlines and the larger text is all you need. You’re not really changing what your studio is about, just emphasizing a different aspect of it.

Ask yourself: Is my value proposition for right now reflected in the messaging on my website? Does it emphasize safety and helping members be their best for their family and friends? That’s what people are responding to right now.


Does your intro offer include your new virtual product? Do you have two intro offers right now – virtual and full membership? Ask yourself: would someone visiting your website quickly understand what you’re offering right now?

Keep things clear and simple. People are confused and stressed right now. There’s a lot of decision fatigue. Once you know what your pricing is, double check that you didn’t miss a paragraph about your intro offer on another page.


Your virtual studio is a unique product and it needs its own sales page. Keeping virtual lumped in with everything else is confusing for potential members AND search engines. This goes for your website even if your videos are hosted by another platform.

This page can be pretty simple. Let people know the pricing for your virtual offer and the schedule if you’re doing live streamed classes. Include a teaser of what your virtual member portal will actually look like – either in a demo video or a screenshot.


Check every single one of your call to action buttons. Make sure they go exactly where you say they’re going. If someone decides to buy something and they end up in the wrong spot, they’re probably not going to buy it.

Take it a step further and make sure its VERY clear exactly what you want someone on your website to do. Don’t be afraid to switch up your target action and the buttons that go along with it. Your offers might need to change as your studio shifts.


The thank you page is the easiest to miss, since you don’t see on the front end of your website. Make sure new members get the right information when you confirm and thank them for their purchase.See you in the studio” with a link to your old schedule doesn’t work as well when the physical studio is closed.

Include instructions for the type of classes that apply to them. That could be in studio classes, live stream classes, on demand videos or all of the above. Make sure it aligns with exactly what you’re selling at the time.

Take time this week and run through the checklist. Print it off or bookmark the page so it’s handy every step of the way. Keep your website free of embarrassing slip ups, out of date information and misdirected links.

For more super relevant information for running a successful studio in this new normal, join the Yogapreneur Collective. Get access to lives webinars, plus the huge online resource library, private Facebook Group, and the option to add 1:1 coaching all for just $125.

➡️ To access the YC Webinars and so much more, sign up here.

Schedule a Free Consultation with Business Coach Josh Biro Today

Do you feel overwhelmed by everything that goes into SEO and yoga studio keywords? Josh Biro has experience helping yoga studios scale their business with digital marketing. Schedule a free strategy session today to talk about how we can help you find, implement, and monitor the keywords that will keep you on the first page of Google.

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