we're on a mission to help 1000 yoga businesses create 30% more profit by 2025
Apply to join the Yogapreneur Collective Community for Free
We envision a network of conscious business leaders who create a positive impact in their communities and live in glorious abundance.
Most yoga studio owners are in a state of perpetual overwhelm. We get it!
Join 100+ Studios World Wide and…
✔ Boost sales, profits, and retentions beyond your wildest dreams
✔ Systematize your studio so you can have the freedom you want
✔ Stay relevant and connected in a quickly-changing marketplace
Why join the Yogapreneur Collective?
The problem yoga business owners face is that they have lost enthusiasm for their business because it’s been such a financial and energetic drain.
Alongside this “malaise,” they feel guilty or out-of-integrity trying harder to make more money through typical sales and marketing strategies.
They don’t see their business as a typical business, they see it as a service, a community, a “purpose.” It’s something they are called to. But in doing this, they’re making pennies and working their asses off. So they’re burning out and losing steam.
The Yogapreneur Collective is a community for Yoga business owners who realize that Yoga has actually taught us a lot about business but you have to unlearn the dogma that isn’t serving you and realize the correct connection between the two.
The Yogapreneur Collective is THE community for effective, ethical yoga business growth, by helping yoga businesses make more money and a larger impact!
What members are saying
Breathing Is To Yoga What Money Is To Business
Businesses are the core drivers of social transformation in their ability to build community around a central idea and bring the unconventional and revolutionary to the mainstream.
Therefore, if you really believe that yoga can save someone’s life, you have a moral obligation to serve it to them to the best of your ability.
The YC is for Yoga businesses only. A yoga business is defined as a business that earns revenue from offering a yoga-type class at least weekly. Other boutique fitness businesses are welcome if they also offer yoga classes.
You are welcome to invite your team members if they directly work in your yoga business (business partner, studio manager, retail manager, front desk staff, or teachers) — please no contractors that work with you (ex. if you work with a marketing agency, please do not invite them to the network)
Nope! It’s 100% free for yogapreneurs to join and engage with the community, and enjoy some live-streamed events we offer. As long as you are respectful to our guidelines, you’re welcome to stay and enjoy!
If you’re interested in increasing your profit, creating more of a positive impact and living in glorious abundance, you’re encouraged to book a Free Coaching Call to find out how one of our programs will help and support you.
The problem yoga business owners face is that they have lost enthusiasm for their business because it’s been such a financial and energetic drain.
Alongside this “malaise,” they feel guilty or out-of-integrity trying harder to make more money through typical sales and marketing strategies.
They don’t see their business as a typical business, they see it as a service, a community, a “purpose.” It’s something they are called to. But in doing this, they’re making pennies and working their asses off. So they’re burning out and losing steam.
The Yogapreneur Collective is a community for Yoga business owners who realize that Yoga has actually taught us a lot about business but you have to unlearn the dogma that isn’t serving you and realize the correct connection between the two.
The Yogapreneur Collective is THE community for effective, ethical yoga business growth, by helping yoga businesses make more money and a larger impact!