
SEO for Yoga Studios—How To Drive-Up Studio Memberships

Are you ready to get your yoga studio website ranking in search engines? Then implementing local SEO tactics is a must. Make sure that you are showing up when people in your area are searching for yoga studios, and you’ll gain members at an alarming rate. Ready to make your yoga studio profitable AF? Let’s make it happen!

What is local SEO For Yoga Studios? 

Search engine optimization ensures that your yoga website is showing up in search engine results for people searching for yoga studios. You want to make sure that your website is optimized to show up in search results when people type in relevant searches into their search engine. This gives you the opportunity to turn them into members at YOUR studio.

96% of people that own a computer do local searches. This means that people are looking for businesses in their area. 50% of people that are searching on their mobile phones are looking for local business information. 

97% of people learn more about a local company online than anywhere else. “Near me” or “close by” type searches grew by 900% over the last two years. 

How will it increase memberships? 

Optimizing your website for SEO drives people to your site, builds trust and credibility, and gets you in front of “bottom of the funnel” leads, i.e., people who are already looking for the product or service that you offer. 

Problems SEO will solve for you: 

  • Your yoga studio is not showing up for the most important search terms in your area (e.g. yoga near me).
  • You have invested time and money into a website that is not serving your business as it could.
  • Of all the digital marketing advice out there, it can be hard to know which strategies will serve your studio, offer the best return on time, energy, and money investment. 

Important yoga studio keywords: 

Through our in-depth keyword research, we’ve identified the yoga studio keywords you should be trying to rank for. This means creating blog posts and content on your website that makes use of the following phrases (if they are relevant to the products you are offering): 

  • Yoga “your city”
  • Yoga studio “your city”
  • Hot yoga “your city”
  • Yoga classes “your city”
  • Yoga teacher training “your city”

It’s also useful to use Google Keyword Planner so that you can find even more specific keywords that are relevant for your business, and that people are searching for. 

Local SEO for businesses with 1 location vs. multiple locations

  • Multiple locations should have a separate listing for each location on:
    • Google My Business (GMB) & Yelp
    • Website (a page for each location with keywords linked on the homepage)
    • All directories and citations

Google My Business optimization

Google My Business is important as it’s how you will show up in local searches most of the time. It’s important to be clear about what you do, how to get in contact, and where you are located. It’s also how you will show up in Google Maps. 

It’s also where people will leave reviews and give you a star rating – this is crucial as many people read reviews before making a commitment to visit a business. 

It would be best if you made sure that the words “yoga studio” are amongst other relevant keywords in your description. Make sure your operating hours (and holiday hours) are fully updated in GMB and add your contactable hours too. Add a link to your website so that visitors are able to head straight to your website for more information. 

Be sure to upload photos/videos of your location and photos of yoga taking place. This will give people a good idea of what they can expect when they get to you. 

On Page SEO

Implementing the following could greatly impact your rankings if gone about in the correct way: 

  • Keywords on homepage
  • Meta title/descriptions
  • Prominently display reviews
  • Locations pages
  • Pages for each service/type of yoga (with keywords)
  • Google CID link in the footer (your GMB profile)
  • Google Map imbed
  • Optimize your site speed
  • Image optimization (compress, resize, and add alt tags)

Tracking and measuring success

You can use the following tools to track your SEO performance in SERPs (search engine results pages). Some of these tools give you insights about the users visiting your site, while others track the performance of pages and keywords. 

  • Google Analytics
  • Google Search Console 
  • Google My Business stats
  • If you redirect to a “thank you” page every time you make a sale, you’ll be able to easily track the number of sales

SEO optimization for your yoga business

It’s important to realize that SEO for yoga studios is playing the long game. There may not be results overnight. In fact, it may take three or four months of consistent hard work before you actually see results – but when those results come, they are there to stay. SEO results don’t disappear once you stop putting money into them (much like many other marketing tactics i.e social media, PPC, etc.) 

Do you need help with SEO for yoga studios?

If so, book your free strategy session with the Yogapreneur Collective today!

Schedule a Free Consultation with Business Coach Josh Biro Today

Do you feel overwhelmed by everything that goes into SEO and yoga studio keywords? Josh Biro has experience helping yoga studios scale their business with digital marketing. Schedule a free strategy session today to talk about how we can help you find, implement, and monitor the keywords that will keep you on the first page of Google.

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