
Yoga Hashtags for Instagram | Case Study for Yoga Businesses

Yoga Hashtags to Grow Your Yoga Studio

Social media is full of interesting information, flashy photos, and the marketing efforts of competing businesses. In this sea of clickbait and confusion, it can be challenging to zero in on legitimate companies with savvy leaders at the helm. How can customers find the services they need?

In other words, how can potential customers find your services? In this article, we’ll show you how to use yoga hashtags to spread the word about your business and grow your yoga studio. 

Do you want even more strategies for success? Book a free strategy session today to talk with yoga business coach at the Yogapreneur Collective.

Why Hashtags Matter for Yoga Studios

Yoga hashtags are key to driving engagement, building an audience, and connecting with customers. They allow users to narrow down the information they want to see, which informs their algorithm to show similar content. The better your yoga hashtags, the greater your audience and benefit to your business.

This is especially important for yoga studios trying to increase the number of students in their classes. Hashtags help you reach your target audience by filtering your content right into their social media feeds. 

For instance, if someone is looking for hot yoga in Chicago, the hashtags #hotyoga, #chicagoyoga, and #lakeviewyoga will help get you in front of people looking for hot yoga in the Lakeview area of Chicago. With your yoga studio showing up and showing it’s value, you’ll likely convert this social media user into a student. 

Top Yoga Hashtags

Though hashtags specific to your business will help get your content into the right feeds, you can still use top hashtags to your advantage. First, top hashtags are followed by thousands or even millions of users. Adding them to your content increases the chances that more people will see it, engage with it, and even share it on their feeds, where it’ll be seen by even more people. 

In more simple terms, specific yoga hashtags help you zero in on a particular, demographic while top hashtags help you broaden your general audience. Using both strategically will grow your following and spread the word about your business. 

By examining the most popular posts in the most popular yoga hashtags, you can gain insight into the strategies that made them successful. 

To get you started, here are five popular yoga hashtags that we use with our yoga studio clients: 

  1. #yoga
  2. #namaste
  3. #yogalife
  4. #yogapose
  5. #yogainspiration

How to Choose Which Yoga Hashtags to Use

While popular yoga hashtags might get you into millions of feeds, it doesn’t mean users will scroll long enough to find you. In order to choose which yoga hashtags to use, you’ll need to assess the popularity, relevance, and specificity to determine if you can rise to the top of social media feeds.


Competitive hashtags are also the most popular. They have the most followers and the most views. Though there’s some risk of getting lost in the shuffle, it’s worth using these yoga hashtags to get you into millions of feeds and aligned with the right algorithms. 

Once there, you can use more niche hashtags to narrow down your audience and raise your chances of being seen by local customers.


Your audience uses hashtags to cut through the noise and find interesting posts about specific content. After identifying competitive hashtags that get you into the right feeds, you should consider which subsection of yoga practitioners you want to attract. 

Do you want to zero in on a specific geographic area? Are you offering certifications for yoga teachers? Does your studio specialize in prenatal or geriatric yoga? Answering these kinds of questions will help you determine how to choose hashtags specific to your business and goals. 

Once you’ve identified your target audience, you can tailor your yoga hashtags to that audience, so your content makes it to the right feeds. If you specialize in yoga for men in Philadelphia’s Center City, your hashtags should reflect that. Examples include #mensyoga #yogaformen #yogaphilly #phillycentercityyoga.


The most popular yoga hashtags are one or two words for a reason—searchability. Phrases that are too long, clunky, or specific will get lost in the shuffle. 

For instance, when searching for yoga-related content, most users start with something simple like “yogastudio” or “yogaclasses.” It’s not intuitive for them to search complex phrases like “joshbiroyogastudioinmyarea.” 

Most hashtags are three words at most to hit the balance between specificity and searchability. If you want to target a specific location or type of yoga, stick to phrases like “asanayoga” or “yogastudionorthridge.” You can also check out competition yoga studios to see what’s been working for them. 

How to Use Yoga Hashtags on Social Media

Social media is the modern equivalent of word-of-mouth advertising, so it’s crucial to understand how to make each platform work for you. Just like yoga encompasses a wide range of practices that require different muscles, social media includes many platforms that require strategies tailored to the people who use them. 

Yoga hashtags that are wildly successful on Instagram may fall flat on TikTok simply because they’re popular with different demographics and therefore categorize their information differently. Below is some insight on adjusting your hashtag strategy for the leading social media platforms. 


Instagram allows you to use up to 30 hashtags per post. Though you don’t have to use that many, Instagram is the best place to pack your posts with yoga hashtags to reach the broadest possible audience. It’s normal for influencers to add up to a dozen tags, so this is an excellent platform to experiment. If one Instagram hashtag falls flat, there are plenty of others to pick up the slack.  


A blend of popular, specific, and trending hashtags will help you reach a broader audience. TikTok only allows 100 characters for captions, so you need to keep your yoga hashtags simple and to the point. Trending hashtags also change frequently, so check the “Discover” page regularly to stay ahead of the game. 


Twitter is the place to keep it simple. Three hashtags maximum should be more than enough to reach your target audience as long as they’re focused. On this social media platform, asking questions to start conversations and encouraging followers to retweet are the best ways to drive engagement.  

Over a period of three months, we engaged with the profiles discovered using relevant hashtags multiple times a week: #yogabusiness #yogabusinesscoaching #businessofyoga #yogapreneur #yogastudioowner

We searched these hashtags on Instagram and interacted with the top three posts from each one. We did this by liking, following, and commenting on each.  

By doing this consistently, we have seen an increase in the following:

  • Overall engagement rates
  • Post engagement (likes, comments, saves, and video views)
  • Followers
  • Post reach (more people see our content)

Yoga Hashtags We Used

Before implementing this Hashtag Strategy, our Instagram engagement was growing slowly at a 1% increase rate. As Instagram users, we’ve all been facing roadblocks since new algorithms have been implemented into the platform, resulting in a lower chance of new posts being discovered and engaged with if your followership is lower than 5,000. 

Instagram has also cracked down on bots and third-party organizations that implement automated growth on your account. If any user is caught using these, they risk getting their entire account shut down, which would be detrimental to our online community and brand. 

Our goals during this case study were to create more organic engagement at a higher average rate on both posts and profile visits and interactions. We also wanted to increase the number of followers and the reach of the account, which will help us get on the good side of the algorithm to increase the chances of posts reaching more people organically.  

Hashtag Results

This strategy has helped us reach our organic Instagram growth goals. This proves that engaging with others helps to grow the engagement on your own account as well. 

Since implementing this hashtag strategy, we have seen a significant increase in the following:

Average Engagement rates (Total engagement [comments, saves, video views, likes] divided by reach)

Followers (the number of people who follow our account)

Post reach (the total number of unique accounts that have seen our posts)

 Avg. Engagement RateFollowersPost Reach
Avg. Before6.43%26944.57k
Avg. Now9.19%29327.08k

Our Strategy

Our Instagram account has become a source of discovery for new members of the Yogapreneur Collective. We plan to continue this organic strategy to increase the organic engagement rates further and build a larger following so that we can reach more wellness studios and skyrocket into success. 

Whether you want to conduct this study on your own Instagram or simply implement our findings and use them to your advantage, this study can help you to grow your own account. The best part is that it only takes 5 minutes out of each day but has monumental results over a long period of time. 

Are you ready to grow your Instagram following? Try our hashtag strategy to make lasting changes to your engagement rates. 

Book a Free Strategy Meeting with Josh Biro Today

Are you ready to learn proven strategies for developing an insanely profitable yoga studio? Schedule a free strategy session today to address and overcome your biggest challenges, join the Yogapreneur Collective, and grow beyond your wildest dreams with yoga hashtags and much more.

Schedule a Free Consultation with Business Coach Josh Biro Today

Do you feel overwhelmed by everything that goes into SEO and yoga studio keywords? Josh Biro has experience helping yoga studios scale their business with digital marketing. Schedule a free strategy session today to talk about how we can help you find, implement, and monitor the keywords that will keep you on the first page of Google.

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