
Position your virtual library to support your brick-and-mortar yoga studio

Setting up a virtual yoga studio might not have been in your plans, but you have one now. Yoga studio owners around the world had to transition to online classes to make their studio work during this challenging time.

It was unexpected – maybe even unpleasant – to try new technology and expand into the virtual marketplace. But now that you’re there… you can take advantage of exciting new opportunities.

Truth → With the right positioning, your online classes can drive membership sales.

You may be tempted to step away from video recording all together once your studio opens again. That’s a mistake. A strong virtual yoga library is a MAJOR value add for your studio membership. Think of it as a tool to drive your membership sales.

Your virtual studio exists to support your in-person membership

Selling memberships is all about communicating value. If all people wanted was to do some stretching postures at home, they’d look up a few free videos and call it a day. Your members come to you because your studio offers them something special.

They value the community, experience and expertise that you offer. People are sold on emotion, not logic. Your members believe a regular practice at your studio will make their lives better – more balanced, healthy, relaxed. They’ll in turn be able to better care for their families.

Truth → An on demand video library is another way you can show up for your members.

Knowing you offer an on demand video library with membership shows you have a comprehensive, holistic view of their health. Even if they don’t participate very actively in your online studio, it adds value to your membership. This feature can get people over the hump to sign up, especially if they live further away.

Your virtual studio has to be high quality

The virtual yoga library you’ve created is its own product line. Even though its primary purpose is growing your membership, it has to stand on its own two feet. It’s time to up your game.

Truth → People accepted lower quality video during quarantine; they won’t forever.

You had to pivot quickly while your yoga studio was closed. Your members understand that you weren’t any more prepared for a global pandemic than they were. If your video was a little rough or the sound quality was just okay – they got it.

Now it’s time to up your game. Moving forward your virtual studio must be at a higher standard. If members are paying for it as a value add they expect it to add value. The good news is, you probably won’t be running online classes.

Shooting on demand videos is easier to fit into your schedule, and you have more time to test your setup. If the video looks a bit off, don’t post it. Make sure your on demand library lives up to the experience your members expect every time they walk into your studio.

Don’t devalue your virtual studio.

Don’t get caught in a race to the bottom. You’re not competing with larger virtual brands that charge $5 a month. Their business model is to get as many people around the country or globe as possible to make those numbers work. Yours is locally focused.

A virtual studio isn’t just a small perk members get when they sign up. It can be much more than that. Your expertise is valuable. Members show up because of the unique experience they get at YOUR studio doing yoga you’re an expert in. An ultra-low price point undermines your value message.

Truth → A quality virtual studio can also be used as a down sell or a stand alone product.

Post quality content regularly and your virtual studio can be more than an addition to your membership. You can offer it as a stand-alone product for members who live farther away. Try throwing in a few live classes a month with it and price it lower than an all included membership.

For more super relevant information, join us for The How to Re-Open your Studio Strong Bootcamp Webinars, included in the Yogapreneur Collective. Get these lives webinars, plus the huge online resource library, private Facebook Group, and access to 1:1 coaching all for just $125.

➡️ To access the YC Webinars and so much more, sign up here.

Schedule a Free Consultation with Business Coach Josh Biro Today

Do you feel overwhelmed by everything that goes into SEO and yoga studio keywords? Josh Biro has experience helping yoga studios scale their business with digital marketing. Schedule a free strategy session today to talk about how we can help you find, implement, and monitor the keywords that will keep you on the first page of Google.

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